

A customizable button component for triggering actions in your application.


  • Customizable: Easily adjust the button's variant, size, and appearance.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Assign keyboard shortcuts for enhanced user interactions.
  • Tooltip Integration: Display tooltips with custom delay and content.
  • Icon Support: Include primary and secondary icons alongside text or as standalone elements.
  • Collapsible: Optionally collapse the button to icon-only mode.
  • Loading State: Display a loading spinner while actions are in progress.
  • Label Support: Add labels with flexible positioning and style.


npx duck-ui@latest add button
npx duck-ui@latest add button


import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button'
import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button'


Button is a versatile and customizable React component designed to render a button with various styles and functionalities. It supports different sizes, variants, and additional features like loading states and icons. The component is flexible and can be used in a variety of scenarios, from simple buttons to complex interactive elements.

Example Usage:

Notice that you have to use the TooltipProvider component to use the Tooltip fucnctionality, or even the button hence it's integrated with the button.

import { Button, TooltipProvider } from '@/components/ui/button'
const MyButton = () => {
  return (
          children: 'Submit',
          side: 'left',
          showLabel: true,
        icon={{ children: Icon, className: 'size-5' }}
        onClick={() => console.log('Button clicked')}
import { Button, TooltipProvider } from '@/components/ui/button'
const MyButton = () => {
  return (
          children: 'Submit',
          side: 'left',
          showLabel: true,
        icon={{ children: Icon, className: 'size-5' }}
        onClick={() => console.log('Button clicked')}

You can use the buttonVariants helper to create a any element like a link that looks like a button.

import { buttonVariants } from '@/components/ui'
import { buttonVariants } from '@/components/ui'
<Link className={buttonVariants({ variant: 'outline' })}>I'am a Link 🦆</Link>
<Link className={buttonVariants({ variant: 'outline' })}>I'am a Link 🦆</Link>

Alternatively, you can set the asChild parameter and nest the link component.

  <Button asChild>
    <Link href="/tos">I'am a Link with tos 🦆</Link>
  <Button asChild>
    <Link href="/tos">I'am a Link with tos 🦆</Link>
button structure 1 button structure 2










With Border

With Border Destructive

With Border Warning

With Border Secondary

With Icon


With Second Icon

With Badge Label

With Label

With tooltip

with Command

Command Tooltip


Expand Icon Right

Expand Icon Left

Ring Hover

Gooey Right

Gooey Left


API Reference

General Button Properties

  • asChild (boolean, optional):

    • Renders the button as a child element of another component when set to true, allowing the button to inherit styling from the parent component.
  • isCollapsed (boolean, optional):

    • Collapses the button into an icon-only state, typically used for compact views or toggling states.
  • size ('default' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'sm' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | 'xxxl' | 'icon', optional):

    • Sets the button size. Defaults to 'default'. Other options:
      • 'xs': ExtraSmall button with reduced padding.
      • 'sm': Small button with reduced padding.
      • 'default': Defulat button size with reduced padding.
      • 'lg': Large button with extra padding.
      • 'xl': XLarge button with extra padding.
      • 'xxxl': XXLarge button with extra padding.
      • 'xxxl': XXXLarge button with extra padding.
      • 'icon': Icon-only button without additional padding.
  • border ('default' | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'destructive' | 'warning', optional):

    • Sets the button size. Defaults to 'default'. Other options:
      • 'default': Without a border.
      • 'secondary': With a secondary border for optional actions.
      • 'destructive': With a destructive border for danger.
      • 'warning': With a warning border for warning.
  • variant (string, optional):

    • Defines the visual style of the button. Available options:
      • default: Primary button style.
      • destructive: Red, indicating a destructive action.
      • warning: Yellow, indicating a warning action.
      • secondary: secondary button with no fill.
      • outline: Outlined button with no fill.
      • dashed: Dashed button with no fill.
      • ghost: Transparent with hover effects.
      • link: Styled as a link.
      • expand_icon: For expandable buttons.
      • Special effect variants:
        • ring_hover, shine, gooey_right, gooey_left,
        • link_hover1, link_hover2
  • border (string, optional):

    • Defines the visual style of the button border. Available options:
      • default: No border style.
      • primary: Primary border style.
      • destructive: Destructive border style.
      • warning: Warning border style.
      • secondary: secondary border style.
  • loading (boolean, optional):

    • When true, displays a loading spinner (uses Loader from Lucide).
  • children (React.ReactNode):

    • Content or text inside the button.
  • ...props (React.ReactNode):

    • the rest of props on an HTML button.

Icon Properties

Button icons can be configured for single or dual icon use, and include optional animation.

Primary Icon

  • icon (IconType, optional):
    • Specifies the primary icon displayed within the button.

Secondary Icon

  • secondIcon (IconType, optional):
    • Adds a secondary icon to appear alongside the primary icon.

Animation Icon

  • animationIcon ({ icon: [IconType](#icontype), iconPlacement: 'left' | 'right' }, optional):
    • Defines an animated icon that appears on hover, with iconPlacement specifying its position.

Type Definitions


Defines an icon component from the Lucide library.

  • children (LucideIcon): The icon component.
  • Additional SVG Props: Includes all React.SVGProps for SVG customization.


Configures an optional label with tooltip support for additional context.

  • showCommand (boolean, optional): Show the command on the Tooltip.
  • showLabel (boolean, optional): Show the label on the Tooltip.
  • delayDuration (number, optional): The delay the Tooltip gonna take to me mounted.
  • ...BadgeProps (BadgeType,optional): The rest of Badge component props.
  • ...TooltipProps (TooltipType,optional): The rest of Tooltip component props.
  • ...TooltipContent (TooltipContentType,optional): The rest of TooltipContent component props.


Provides keyboard command handling and displays an associated shortcut or action label, it defines a command for keyboard shortcuts, with an action function, state management, and label.

  • label (string, optional): The label for the Command.
  • key (string, optional): The key for the Command.
  • show (boolean, optional): To show the Command body on the button.
  • action (() => void): The function that executes with the Command.
  • shortcut (string[], optional): The keyboard keys associated with the Command.
  • ...BadgeProps (optional): The rest of Badge components props.



  • New Variants: Added new button variants, including muted, dashed, and warning styles.
  • Border Props: Introduced new button border properties to allow borders with hover effects.
  • Hook Update: Removed state from the useDuckShortcut hook, previously imported from @ahmedayoub/shortcut.
  • Documentation: Updated documentation to reflect the latest changes to the Button component.